We aren't big fans of  "us vs. them", so we've decided just to show you the "us".  

We started Sweat Panda Fitness because we wanted something different.  We wanted to take what we feel is the best overall fitness methodology out there , make it easily accessible to everyone, and at the same time create an environment where everyone feels welcome and accepted, and everyone has FUN.

The truth of the matter is, if you are happy with your current gym, happy with your current health, & happy with the results you are achieving, that's fantastic. Keep doing what you are doing.

However, if you:

  • are not getting the results you want
  • have plateaued with your current workout
  • hate going to the gym
  • want to start exercising
  • want to get healthy, ripped, toned, or lose some weight
  • just want to have a great time
  • are bored with your workouts
  • are looking for a more personal, effective workout.
  • want to change your life for the better
  • feel like taking us out for a coffee, beer or kombucha
  • want to escape your kids for an hour a day
  • want to make some like-minded new friends



At Sweat Panda, you won’t find rows and rows of ellipticals, treadmills and weight machines. Instead, we’ve got pull-up bars, barbells, kettlebells, jump ropes and open space for squatting, running, jumping, climbing, lifting and throwing. Our gym transforms around you everyday depending on the workout, not the other way around.

All our workouts are comprised of exercises that mimic movements found in day-to-day life or in casual sports. We want you moving like your body was built to move.  Our primary focus is improving functional movements that will help you live a better life.  


This also means you will never get bored. With our constantly varied workouts, it’s rare to do the same workout twice in a given year, and you will never have to worry about figuring out what your workout for the day will be because we do that for you. Your workouts will always be provided. Created by our highly trained and skilled professionals to quickly improve your fitness through a scientifically proven progression.  

Our fitness systems aim to improve your capacity in ten fitness domains: cardio-respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance and accuracy. The end result? Comprehensive physical fitness, restored vitality, and an improved standard of living.


Satisfaction Guaranteed

What?! Yes, our gym is guaranteed!* Have you ever even heard of a gym being guaranteed? Well, we are.

Expert Coaching

Our coaches are the best in the business. More importantly, they care. They will be with you every day, every step of the way to achieve and crush your goals.

Nutrition Coaching

Exercise is only one piece of the pie (yes, I said it).  So why do most gyms not even address nutrition? We do.  Not only do we provide the crucial information and guidance to help you with your nutrition, we also provide online logs, in case you want us to take a look at what you're eating every day.

Social Gatherings

Sweating everyday beside the same people tends to create lifetime bonds.  Our members love coming to the gym and love the people they work out with. We love throwing events so we can spend even MORE time together! Think BBQ's, Happy Hours, Holiday Parties, Fun Local Events, Competitions and Community Service.

Primary Coach

As soon as you start here at Sweat Panda, you will be assigned a Primary Coach that will be with you for as long as you are a member.  Any questions along the way you will always have access to your coach that will be familiar with you, your history, your goals, your limitations and your strengths. There is no better way to guide you along your fitness journey.

Science Based

It's science, Yo!  Our fitness programs and methodologies are based on facts, and scientific research supported by actual recordable data. Neuroendocrine adaptation, and the masterful mixing of your posphocreatine, glycolitic and oxidative metabolic pathways. It's what we do.

Performance Tracking

How do you know if your fitness is improving if there is no way to keep track of it?  We utilize the latest technology and tracking matrix that allows you to actually SEE your fitness improve! Evidence based fitness.


Sometimes accountability can be the piece of the puzzle that you've been missing.  Your friends at the gym, your coaches and our online community will keep you coming back day in and day out. Everybody needs a nudge now and again.

Check-In For Charity

At the center of it all, our main desire is to simply help people.  This doesn't stop at helping the people that we're fortunate enough to have as members of our gym. We choose a different charity every few months and donate money based on our members attendance.  We call it "Check-In For Charity".

Training Programs

We offer a variety of training programs to fit every need and goal.  Every one of these programs are designed to improve your health and fitness.  Don't have any time? We have a program. Want to lose weight, gain muscle, improve endurance? We have a program. Whatever your fitness goals, we have a program for you and an experienced staff that can guide you there.

**About Our Guarantee: If you are not satisfied with Sweat Panda after 6 months of membership, attending an average of 3x per week (that is our definition of honest effort I guess) we will pay the first month of the membership at the next gym you join. If at the end of the first 6 months, you wish to cease membership, we will need to be notified in writing within one month of the end of your 6 month of membership.  Your new gym must have been in existence in McKinleyville, CA at the time of joining Sweat Panda and must be joined within 2 months of ending membership at Sweat Panda. Reimbursement from Sweat Panda will only apply to a standard one month base membership at the new gym. Basically, we know you understand the spirit of this guarantee.  We want you to be happy and healthy and that's why we are offering this guarantee,  so please don't try and be sneaky. Sorry for all the rules, but people be shady. That is all.