Our membership pricing options are super simple.
One Membership, Two Gyms
We do not require that you sign any long term contracts, give us any initiation fees or render any blood oaths. If you don't stay because you love it, we're not doing our job. We are confident in the service that we provide. We know that you will not only achieve amazing results and reach your goals, but you will have a blast doing it!
All of our memberships begin with a 3 class FUNdamentals Program which will take place over the course of two weeks to get you comfortable before joining the group classes.
We do not discount membership rates. Not only are we sure of the value we provide every member, but more importantly we do not want any member to feel any less valuable than any other.
If for any reason you are unhappy, we will do our best to point you in a direction that may be a better fit for your needs. All that we ask is that you give it at least 6 months of honest effort, and we promise to give you the same.
OUR GUARANTEE: As a matter of fact, if you give our gym 6 months of real effort and you are truly not satisfied with the results, we will pay the first month membership at the next gym that you join; no questions asked!** That's how much we believe in our program, and how much we believe in you!
We are only offering a limited number of total memberships. We value the quantity and quality of personal attention that we are able give to our members. We believe that quality diminishes if there are too many members in a class dividing our coaches attention. Because of this, we have set a limit to the amount of members we are allowing at this location. Once we reach this ceiling we will not be accepting any new members.
CrossFit Group Class Membership
Month to Month
ONE MONTH at a Time
No Further Commitment
No Initiation Fee
30 Day Cancellation Notice
Barbell Club
FUNdamentals Program
$159 / month

**About Our Guarantee: If you are not satisfied with Sweat Panda CrossFit Group Class Membership after 6 months of membership, attending an average of 3x per week (that is our definition of honest effort) we will pay the first month of the membership at the next gym you join. If at the end of the first 6 months, you wish to cease membership, we will need to be notified in writing within one month of the end of your 6 month of membership. Your new gym must have been in existence in McKinleyville, CA or Fortuna, CA at the time of joining Sweat Panda and must be joined within 2 months of ending membership at Sweat Panda. Reimbursement from SweatPanda will only apply to a standard one month base membership at the new gym. Basically, we know you understand the spirit of this guarantee. We want you to be happy and healthy and that's why we are offering this guarantee, so please don't try and be sneaky. Sorry for all the rules, but people be shady. That is all.